10 Steps to Health and Safety - 10 Make sure you have the right people to help you
An organisation must have access to competent advice, it’s the law. If you do not currently have suitable knowledge then a suitable competent external advisors should be sort.
Staff involved in health and safety should have a number of skills not, just knowledge of the job. These skills can include:-
- The skills required to support your organisation will differ from industry to industry. A key skill will be the ability to communicate at all levels in order to get the point across and influence change. Remember that communication should be two way so the ability to listen and understand is vital.
- Staff must have suitable training, and this should be maintained as a Continual Professional Development (CPD). CPD is often required by membership of organisations such as IOSH.
- Experience of health and safety legislation and an understanding of how to apply this to an industry or situation is vital to anyone tasked with supporting an organisation with health and safety advice.
- Knowledge of the industry and activities being undertaken is essential along with knowledge of industry best practice.
- Soft skills, such as having the right attitude and understanding, will ensure persons with responsibility for health and safety are approachable
Having suitable arrangements for health and safety ensures people, and organisation’s, are protected from accident’s, incidents and prosecution which can have a detrimental effect on an organisation.
There is a lot to do to ensure you are compliant, if you feel that you are not covered please get advice and support.
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