The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Health & Safety Support Needs
Many companies are already outsourcing their health & safety support. If it’s something you or your company are considering then you may be debating what the demonstrable benefits could be. Here are the main ones:
Cost Reduction
Adding an internal resource increases your business's operational costs. To fully comply with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 you need to employ a dedicated & competent resource, train them, provide benefits and so on. It’s far more cost-effective to outsource.
Greater Flexibility
Should an issue arise, the consultancy can deal with the problem quickly and professionally. Usually the consultancy will update you before you knew you had an issue, and they’ll be constantly checking and updating themselves on legislation, guidance and best practice.
Increased Efficiencies
To operate safely and in line with legislation, there’s a lot to consider. A professional consultancy can review your business and create and / or modify documents as required, giving you the time to focus on the important issues – like running your business.
Risk Reduction
Who wants to do business with a dangerous company? By outsourcing you have greater clarity on the real health & safety issues. This will help you plan and reduce the risk of non-compliance. The HSE charge £154 per hour (as of April 2019) for workplace visits and investigating a breach.
The Consultancy Sees the Bigger Picture
Often owners and directors are too close to the business to see potential issues and risks. By being independent a consultancy can take a step back and look at the bigger picture, offer ideas, practical solutions and most importantly—be objective.
It Drives Better Business and Reputation
Investing in the company’s health & safety culture sends a positive message and speaks volumes. It clearly demonstrates how you value your businesses reputation, your businesses integrity and how much you value a safer and healthier place to work.
It Frees up Internal Resource
Properly managing and delivering workplace health & safety takes time, people and resources. So why not have complete peace of mind by outsourcing your health & safety needs, rather than bolt it onto someone’s already busy role?
Expert support
If you are looking to outsource your health & safety support but aren't sure if it's right for your business, call Safety Advisors on 01283 760802 and see how we can support your business.