GDPR For Safety Advisors Site Throughout Europe the General Data Protection Regugaltions (GDPR) are being introduced to harmonise data protection laws and ensuring all member states have the same approach to how data is stored. The regulation comes into force on 25th May 2018. The law is designed to protect EU citizens from organisations who may…
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About: Justin De-Vere
I am a dedicated individual with a genuine passion for health and safety.
As a business owner myself I understand the requirements of the law and how to implement it, in a practical manner. I have over 15years knowledge of the health and safety and aviation sectors.
Recent Posts by Justin De-Vere
New contracts for us new iPhone X for you
What a great start to the week! We have opened our mail this morning to find new contracts for Safety Advisors! Safety Advisors has always worked very closely with its Clients and our Clients have recognised that commitment by extending existing contracts, new contracts for our De-Icing/ Anti-Icing aviation inspection services and new contracts for…
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Fire risk assessments – When is the best time to review?

Fire risk assessments replace property fire certificates. The introduction of the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 was a big change for fire management. Introduced in 2006 the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 (RRO) removed the responsibility from the Fire and Rescue service to issue a fire certificate for a premises and placed the responsibility for…
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Has health and safety gone too far?
[mp_row] [mp_span col="12"] Why has health and safety gained such a bad reputation? [caption id="attachment_2336" align="alignright" width="300"] Wear PPE when playing conkers![/caption] Health and safety is frequently the subject of scathing media coverage but what could really be the problem? Certainly the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) enforce health and safety legislation however there are…
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