What’s your New Year’s safety resolution plan?
It’s that time of year again. How are you going to resolve your H&S problems and make your workplace safer? and what will you do to ensure your resolution sticks?
Studies show that most resolutions we make fail before the end of January. The reasons do vary and it is often down to unrealistic goal setting or trying to do too much too soon.
Setting small attainable goals throughout the year is a far more achievable plan, this can help you achieve whatever you are striving for.
With that in mind, here are some tips from Safety Advisors on setting New Year’s resolutions, and my thoughts on how to apply them to workplace safety.
- Start Small - Rather than simply trying to make the entire workplace safer overnight, focus on one particular area or hazard.
- Change one behaviour at a time - Similar to the previous tip behaviour will not change overnight. Instead focus on the actions most likely to contribute to the hazard.
- Communicate effectively - Involve your workforce in setting safety goals, give ownership to the workforce and intern receive their commitment.
- Mistakes may happen but this does not mean the resolution is blown. Figure out why the incident occurred and take appropriate steps to correct it.
- Ask for help and support - Safety Advisors will gladly assist you in identifying and setting your New Year’s Safety goals. Call our team on 01283 760802 or email us at info@safetyadvisors.co.uk