Challenges -
The building is a multiple occupancy building incorporating offices, retail outlets and gym etc. The building has a number of basement levels which are in use by various organisations. The buildings fire arrangements had to be reviewed due to a nearby construction project that would significantly affect the buildings fire exit arrangements.
The neighbouring construction site would remove 75% of the available fire exits from the building.
Solution -
Safety Advisors were contacted to review the impacts of the adjacent new building on the fire exits of the building. Safety Advisors undertook a complete fire risk assessment of the building and from this developed a provisional fire strategy. Safety Advisors involved stakeholders including Savills, City of London Fire and Rescue Service and the local Building Control officer.
Working closely with these stakeholders a final fire strategy was implemented which provided additional fire exits to the building.
Safety Advisors also provided training for all fire marshals along with training in the fire management plan.
Results -
The neighbouring construction project did not affect 55 Bishopsgate. Additional fire routes were identified along with final exit doors. The fire strategy was developed and implemented within a very short time scale.
Skills -
Fire requirements of the HSE and Insurers
Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005
Knowledge of Building Regulations
Communication between all stakeholders