Safety Advisors are one of the few companies approved to undertake inspections of aviation fuel storage, handling and into-plane audits along with a number of other services used to ensure safety of aviation operations in the UK and around the world.
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is so concerned with the quality of aviation fuel they have set up a dedicated organisation tasked with ensuring the fuel is of suitable quality. The International Fuel Quality Pool (IFQP) are concerned with all aspects of the aviation fuel including the manufacture, airport receipt, storage, supply and into-plane aspects of aviation fuel safety.
There are an estimated 130 IFQP qualified fuel auditors worldwide. Safety Advisors is proud to be part of this pool with nine of our consultants gaining this qualification and able to carry out inspections and training
For further information, Call our Team on 01283 760802 or Email info@safetyadvisors.co.uk